It was going to be three o’clock in the afternoon when he walked into William Kid’s. There were not many people because, at the time, work shifts changed. The locals and some absent-minded tourists who came in to eat some little fried fish and potatoes made way for those who came to enjoy a deserved […]
Book 1 – Graiport: Graiport
I opened my eyes and saw the inclined ceiling room. It was painted white and it had some wooden cross beams in which my father carefully poured linseed oil once every two or three years (he was very careful with these things). There were always one or two spider webs that reminded me at bedtime […]
Entrevista para ociozine
UNA AVENTURA QUE NOS TRAE RECUERDOS DE LA INFANCIA, AMBIENTADA EN UN MUNDO DE FANTASÍA MITOLÓGICA EN EL QUE TODO ES POSIBLE. La historia de estos once chicos te enganchará si eres un lector de historias fantásticas de aventuras: niños obligados a recorrer largos caminos, a librar épicas y sangrientas batallas contra reloj, para salvar […]
Graiport: El Reto
Dispuestos a hacer ruido Hace tres años, cuando termine de escribir «los once», inicie la casi imposible tarea de encontrar una editorial dispuesta a publicarla. Se envió a varios editores, un par de concursos… La contestación general fue: «Está bien, pero no coincide con lo que queremos publicar en este momento. Decidí arrojarlos al mar […]
¡Yo he leído los Once de Graiport!
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